Beringer Tame Blog

The challenge of ecommerce recruitment right now

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We often get asked what the big challenges are within ecommerce & digital recruitment right now.

It's obvious that the pandemic has created challenges alonside great opportunity; indeed many ecommerce businesses have scaled quickly and we've also seen impressive growth from fresh businesses straight out of the starting blocks. Ecommerce has gone global.

Thanks to low barriers to entry and relatively affordable shipping costs, e-commerce companies are popping up all over the world. This is good news from a business perspective, but it also means you’re competing for talent on a global scale.

(Source: CB Insights)


Top ecommerce startups from around the globe

Has ecommerce recruiting changed?

At the start of the Covid crisis there was a huge need for on the ground digital "do-ers" which then organically over the following 6-9 months developed into a need for more mid level and upper management to steer the digital ship. 

Whist some businesses had it incredibly tough others were growing at breakneck speed.  One industry's lost was another's gain.  Anyone leaving the failing service & entertainment industries with digital skills were snapped up elsewhere. There was a hiring frenzy.

Key ecommerce & digital team challenges

  • Mental health & wellbeing
    • Working from home has enabled many people to have a greater balance in their professional and business lives; however it is also important to note that for others it has driven an 'always on' culture leading to burnout.
  • Talent acquisition & retention
    • There is little question that the changes to working patterns has played a key part in the 'great resignation'. As individuals have recognised that they want more out of life than a small cubicle, computer, endless emails and free water.
  • Skills shortage
  • Customer acquisition & retention
  • Political uncertaintly

Why look for a job in ecommerce right now?

  1. Long term prospects
  2. Customer centric
  3. Varied
  4. Fast paced
  5. Loads to learn


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