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Stressed, under pressure, lonely..? If you're answer is yes, you aren't alone. The continuing pandemic combined with job losses and a second lockdown is having a huge impact on anxiety levels as individuals worry about finances and stability. With that comes the inevitable concern over job retention (or even the prospect of finding a new job in a tough market).
However, there is a positive side - the ecommerce and digital jobs market is booming as businesses develop online solutions to closed bricks & mortar stores. This drive online is causing a significant need for a skilled digital workforce.
Don't allow yourself to be daunted by the task ahead. We know that's not easy, but try to narrow down opportunities, desires and obstacles into manageable chunks rather than seeing everything as one mammoth task. Your job search won't last forever, but if you put the work in, you WILL find a job that makes you happy. Be patient (and kind to yourself).
Consider and make note of your skills and experience, your successes, your salary expectation, company type and even industry you'd like to work in. Our Job Hunting During a Pandemic is a good place to start.
Staying positive is so important when job hunting. It can feel hard, stressful or even just too difficult to even get started - but there are ways to make it feel less like your worst nightmare, and more like a fun thing to do.
Create a routine where you look for jobs at a certain time each day. Create a challenge to find one new position each day, or even a job in a different industry or sector. Now's the time to really look at what you want and go for it.
If you're a list person, create one and tick off all your achievements so you can see your progress. Some tasks may seem small, but put together they will come to something much bigger.
Take time out. Yes it feels urgent and you may feel guilty for not being at your computer 24/7 looking for your new job, but you must take a break. Go outside, do some exercise... it can be anything - just make sure it's something you enjoy. This will give you the time to need to re-boot so you can start again with a fresh outlook.
It's really important to research not only the position you're looking for within your job search, but also the type of career path that leads to. Additionally it's imperative that you research the companies that you're applying to - understand their culture (would it suit you), industry (does it interest you), job spec (can you do it) etc. By understanding which companies offer the kinds of jobs and environments that are a good fit for you, it will enable you to look at job specs in a fresh light and give you confidence that you know exactly what you want and what you can offer - and you'll be able to get this across in your cover letter and interview!
Finding a new job doesn’t often happen overnight. If you don’t get an interview for the first job you apply to, don't worry. Be sure to look through your application and review in case you spot anything that you could have done differently.
It's also really important to recognise that during these difficult economic times, companies are also balancing the needs of the business, their existing staff, profitability and long term strategy - this could mean that communication with candidates is reduced or slower. However, those companies that remain agile with their recruiting processes are definitely ones to watch!
Additionally you don't have to do everything at once. Giving yourself too many actions in a short space of time will just fuel your stress levels. Pick and choose what is essential, make a plan and stick to it - treat it like any other job/task you have to do.
The anxiety that comes from job hunting can cause you to 'unsee' any positives you've enjoyed thus far. Take the time to reflect on how far you've come; you probably understand yourself better and know what you want, you may have updated your CV (or created multiple CVs depending on role scope), figured out which companies you want to apply to, researched hiring managers, even done some additional online training to upskill.
Whatever it is, celebrate and take confidence in all you're doing.
Searching for a new job can present challenges but remember that you can (and will) find success. If you’re prepared, organised, patient, and above all else positive, you will find a new position.
Have faith.
If you’re looking for help with your job search why not chat with one of the Beringer Tame team
Online shopping growth sees surge in e-commerce roles (Barclays)
Amazon to create 7,000 UK jobs (BBC News)
Tesco creates 16,000 new jobs to support growth of online business (Essential Retail)
Covid-19: Huge spike in logistics and IT job roles (Essential Retail)
11 February
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