Patrick founded Beringer Tame in 2005 and is now one of the most influential people in the UK Digital and eCommerce industry. Over the last 15 years he has been the architect of some of the most successful eCommerce teams in the UK and is committed to keeping the UK as the Global leader in eCommerce. Patrick is an entrepreneur at heart and is the driving force behind our whole company culture, ethos and practice.
As well as being the CEO of Beringer Tame and Hannington Tame, Patrick is a dedicated Dad and takes any chance he can to have a bit of an adventure. Patrick is a Prince's Trust Business Mentor, plays in a band, flies paragliders and paramotors and is a Non-Executive Director of the London Mozart Symphony Orchestra.
Patrick Tame's Jobs
Can’t Pigeon Hole!
Contract / Interim, Negotiable
Patricks-list is a curated list of DIGITAL MARKETING and ECOMMERCE professionals who are IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE, ready and waiting to work. In response to the positive feedback we got to launching ‘Patrick’s List’, it now has its very own website; . If you find yourself out of work…
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