Beringer Tame Blog

Shopping Habits of the Digital Marketing Professional

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It may be a bit of a busman’s holiday, but when you work in marketing and ecommerce, there’s no really getting away from work. You’re pummelled with marketing messages the whole way home, then you get in and settle down to a nice evening browsing the internet. Whether you’re on social media, online shopping or catching up with blogs, there’s no escape for your work brain.

So how have your shopping habits changed since working in digital? Our ecommerce recruitment consultants asked some ecommerce managers we've worked with for their views…

1. Professional ecommerce experts are a lot more critical of other people’s websites

Whether it’s the user journey, the design or grammatical error, our Ecommerce Managers are hyper sensitive to every little bit of your site. They even email web administrators if they find typos on sites.

2. Digital Marketing executives won’t pay for delivery

Seriously, if it’s not free, they’re not buying. Savvy online shoppers are realising that if they can get free delivery from China via eBay, they don’t want to pay £6 for delivery from Darlington.

3. Ecommerce professionals analyse your checkout system…

…and steal it if it’s good. You can’t turn an analytical head off, and the best ecom pros are always looking for new ways to improve their own sites by learning from others. Some managers even encourage their teams to bring these ideas back to work to implement them.

Looking for an ecommerce professional? Beringer Tame are an ecommerce recruitment agency specialising in all things digital, so we can help! Visit our portal for ecommerce clients now to start your search.

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