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It’s one of those boring, abstract tips that seems both obvious and obtuse at the same time. So what does it actually mean to stay positive? And more importantly, how can you channel that throughout your job hunt?
While you’re job seeking it is so easy to get despondent. It is important to stay positive not only for your own mental well-being, but also so you are projecting the right aura in your applications and interviews.
So how can you actually achieve it? Unfortunately it means getting good at picking yourself up and dusting yourself down, which can be difficult if you struggle with criticism or rejection. But give yourself the best possible chance.
Don’t set yourself up for rejection; funnel your energy into applying for jobs you’ve actually got a shot at. Not only will you save the heartbreak of rejections from jobs you were never qualified for in the first place, but you can spend more time making your other applications tailored and perfect.
Yes, it’s very tempting to think “I’ll send my CV in on the off chance, they might take a punt on me”. Nine times out of ten though, that’s not going to happen, and you’ll just look desperate and clueless.
You will be asked why you’re looking for a new job, so prepare a politically correct answer to that question. Under no circumstances should you slag off your boss. Don’t even sit on the fence; get as far away from the fence as possible.
Remember you’re selling yourself. You’re a fresh new product, full of possibilities. You don’t want to be adding baggage or doing anything to crack their rose-tinted glasses.
Positivity in interviews is also problematic because it’s less about your internal positivity and more about how you’re perceived. Inside you might be dancing, but if your natural demeanour is dour you may be pinned as a Negative Nancy.
Meet with your recruitment agent and get their professional opinion on how you come across to an interviewer (a friend could do this but they are obviously going to be pretty biased!). As long as you’re self-aware you can crush any doubts with a self-effacing joke or open body language.
You’ve got the job! And you’re feeling so positive about leaving your current role that you’re going to ride a golf buggy around the corridors spraying copies of your resignation letter. But keep your clothes on for now and channel that positivity in a slightly different way.
Needless to say, you still need your current employer to provide you with a good reference which the golf buggy incident could jeopardise. You also never know when you may need to call on contacts from your old company in the future; it’s always a good idea to leave people with a good impression of you.
Furthermore, you can continue to help your company if you have the right attitude. Leave on a high with some excellent work or give them positive constructive criticism in your exit interview.
24 January
Your CV * Accepted Formats: *.doc,*.docx,*.pdf,*.odt
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