Beringer Tame Blog
Beringer Tame Blog
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Tips And Advice
2016. David Bowie. Alan Rickman. Andrew Sachs. Br**it. Trump. Doom, gloom and division has sold a lot of newspapers, and produced a lot of clicks this year. Looking across print and digital media at the end of one of the most politically turbulent years in recent history, you could be forgiven for feeling that we do indeed live in interesting times and that the best thing you could do for your career right now is to sit tight and weather out the storm.
Don’t believe the hype.
It is true that there have been hiring freezes in some industries but it is equally true that the demand for digital talent has never been higher. We have been astonished at the volume of new clients who have come to us in the past month looking for great candidates, from search marketers to eCommerce merchandisers, Product Managers to eCommerce Analysts. If you have great digital skills then you are not stuck. The 2016 hangover (if it exists) does not apply to you.
So have a great Christmas break: put your feet up, watch the Doctor Who special and relax. And when the thought of going back to a job you want to leave makes you wish time would slow down, it’s time to polish up that CV and look at what’s out there. We’d love to meet you.
11 February
Your CV * Accepted Formats: *.doc,*.docx,*.pdf,*.odt
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